Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Yup...We Did It. And It Only Took 5 Days!

OK folks, here's the story you've been waiting for! I could easily save our pride and not share this, but I would hate to deprive you of a good laugh! For those of you who told us to watch the movie RV before we left (and we did), you will appreciate this story. We wouldn't be "us" without something like this happening. At our last campground Ruth gave us the advice to walk around the RV twice before we drive away. You want to be sure you are not still connected to anything, make sure your bikes are tight, make sure your storage area is locked. What she should have said was walk around and look down...and up.
You guessed it. We got in and pulled out of the site to exit the campground...with the awning still out!!!! OMG are you kidding me??? And yes we hit a pole and bent the metal holding it on. WHAT IS THAT NOISE?!?! Jerry stops and I open the side door to see the awning. Holy panic button!! I tried to put it in and it wouldn't go in. Until he turned the engine off. Wow, good thing there is a safety feature that doesn't allow it to go IN with the engine running! God forbid we try to roll it in while driving. But it's no problem to start the engine and drive away while it's OUT!!!!  Thankfully it still rolled in and we stopped and found a garage where the mechanic replaced the couple of bolts that popped out. But we can assure you that we won't be trying to roll it out again until we get home!! Oh man, I've got a feeling this is going to cost us. But we have to keep our sense of humor and be thankful that no one got hurt, right?!
Ugh, it's been a long day! We are now on board the Atlantic Vision ferry and have just pulled away from the dock. It's 11:30 Nova Scotia time. We'll be heading to bed soon and will enjoy this cruise ship sized ferry boat in the morning! The weather has been great and we're still having a fantastic time.
I hope you all had a good laugh at our expense! It's OK to laugh...we did too as soon as we knew it rolled back in! I'm on the ship's computer, didn't think we'd have wi-fi so I left my laptop in the RV. I only get 15 minutes and it's just about up so I have to go. Will check back in tomorrow. Good night all.


  1. Oh my! Yes, thanks for the laugh!!! Mike says "there goes the security deposit!". We missed you at BBQ last night, but I shared tour blog with Jack, so you were kind of there!

  2. That is almost as bad as losing your luggage off the top of the car (which destroyed my favorite pinstripe jeans!)! Jacob should remember that story! Events like these make family trips even more memorable. And yes, I did get quite the chuckle. hee hee!

  3. OMG!! LMAO! I have tears in my eyes! You better believe I'll be reading this story to Joey! Glad everything is okay, and you're having a great time!

  4. I wish I had thought to take a picture of the damage before we had it bolted back on! We were driving with part of it hitting against the side of the RV. One couple drove by us and were frantically beeping and waving for us to pull over! They must have thought we didn't know about it! We have been laughing for days every time we think about it!!
