Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our Last Night

So here we are on our last night already! We spent a great day in Old Orchard Beach today. The weather was perfect for the beach. Swimming in the ocean felt like sticking your entire body into a cooler full of ice water! Jerry just reached in to grab the muscles for dinner (because we eat like kings when we camp!) and said "it's so cold reaching in there under the ice," and I said "that's what it felt like swimming today!" but the waves were perfect and the kids loved it. If I could have removed about 6.9 million of the 7 million people there, it would've been perfect! Nice to visit for a day but not really any place we would visit for a long time.

After a nice refreshing swim in the pool at the campground we were on the road again! But only for two hours which is an easy day. We're spending our last night in Gloucester MA at a beautiful campground. We're up in the woods with one last bonfire for s'mores. We'll have lunch in Gloucester tomorrow and head home! It's been an amazing, fun, exciting vacation but we are all ready to go home! We miss everyone (I miss my shower and my bed the most....sorry to all my family and friends, but I KNOW you understand!).

We'll see you all soon. I'll probably post on e more with our total miles, etc. when we get home. Thanks for following us on our adventure!!

Sent from my iPhone

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