Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Test Picture from my computer

Another picture with nothing to do with our trip...sorry! Just testing uploading from the computer instead of from my phone.

Test Picture

This picture has nothing to do with our trip, but I want to see if I can send a picture from my phone and post it.

Test Post

OK Sarah, you said I could post via email, so I'm trying it.

The Prep Stage

Hello to our loyal followers! We are just over a week away from our big RV trip to Newfoundland, Canada. I'm just creating this blog today, and hoping that I'm doing it correctly!

We'll be heading out next Saturday on a 16 day adventure! We've never been campers, so we're novices with regard to this whole RV/campground thing! Our plan is to leave CT on Saturday and make our way to North Sydney, Nova Scotia by Wednesday night.

We have plans to stop in Bar Harbor, ME for two nights. We'll be spending the 4th right in Bar Harbor and can't wait to see the fireworks over the harbor. From there, we'll head into Canadian territory and make our way to the ferry for our 15 hour trip to Newfoundland! Holy sea sickness....don't let me forget the dramamine!

We'll spend Thursday through Tuesday in Newfoundland with Jerry's extended family, and then head back to Nova Scotia. From there we hope to see some of Nova Scotia, along with Prince Edward Island, and then head back to CT.

It should be an interesting, not to mention extremely fun trip! For those of you who are interested in our progress (e.g. can Jerry really empty the sewage tank without getting it all over him?!), we'll do our best to post here and let you know how things are going. Look out we come!!